Friday, January 1, 2016

A new post, it is getting more hiolarious.

Blogg: "Exist in its core meaning is about something or someone having an independent existence,so not change with time."
This fellow do not know what exist means, but he 'knows' "exist" means independent existence.". Talk about circularity. He is using the same word he is defining. He says exist means exist, we should all bow in front of his wisdom. 
 "Existence of objects related with time. "
Though he do know what exist means,he know it is related to time. I bet he doesn't know what 'time' means either.
We will say table(a) doesn't exist
What we understand from this?"
We understand that this fellow is drunk. Does he point towards the table and say that table doesn't exist? Or is he going to say that 'the table will not exist tomorrow'? 
"Existence of objects related to time. "
First define exist fella, don't go on with your drunken ramblings.
"When we say someone or something exist they shouldn't depend on anything else for their existence."
Oh my god!! He is having some sense. Finally he says that existence is independent. If we say something exist, it should only be based on one criteria, whether the 'thing' fulfill the criteria to say exist, that is whether it fits the definition of exist.
Well fella, why don't you define exist then without circularity so that we can understand what you are speaking?

I have one question fella, if I say just like your god, alah, krisna, El, universe or saint Germaine are 'unchanging' and hence exist, what do you say?
Where is your god, this unchanging "thing" located? What is the use of this thing, what theory can you form with this hypothesis? 

You say about something or someone that exists.  Something means a thing. Someone is a living 'thing'. So what is a 'thing'? Thing and object are synonyms.  Then how can you say your god is not a thing/object. You continously ramble that your god is 'someone unchanging', not knowing what 'someone' means nor 'unchanging' means.
What made you decide to make a fool of yourself in public?

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